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Working on Vacation Again? Learn to Delegate

Working on Vacation Again? Learn to Delegate

It’s spring break in Texas, and all along the coast, business owners and non profit executives may have one eye on their kids playing in the surf and the other on their smartphones, checking their inboxes. You know it’s true. One of the most challenging things for...

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SXSW Recruiting Do’s and Don’ts

SXSW Recruiting Do’s and Don’ts

It’s SXSW. The most brilliant minds in tech from all over the world will converge on Austin and this is where you can pick off the next Sergey Brin or Jony Ive and take your idea global. So what do you do? You throw a huge party with really expensive alcohol, of...

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Why They Say It’s Lonely at the Top

Why They Say It’s Lonely at the Top

It doesn’t take long as a business owner or manager to figure out why they say it’s lonely at the top. The downside of all that autonomy and the fancy office and the big bucks (proverbially speaking) is that you have to think a lot harder about how you interact with...

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Want Success? Hire People Smarter Than You

Want Success? Hire People Smarter Than You

People put it different ways: If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. A players hire A players and B players hire C players. Hire people who know more than you and get out of their way. The point is, the rule of thumb when it comes to...

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Culture Tip 3: Cultivate the Value of Trust in the Workplace

Culture Tip 3: Cultivate the Value of Trust in the Workplace

We all know what it’s like to be in a group of people you don’t trust. You spend a lot of time watching your words, making sure you don’t reveal anything vulnerable, measuring what can be used against you or twisted into something else. If you’re in an organization...

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The Employment Honeymoon’s Over. But That Can Be Good.

The Employment Honeymoon’s Over. But That Can Be Good.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we always pay homage to the fact that—in a lot of ways—an employment relationship is like a romantic relationship. Recruiting is like dating. The first 90 days are like the first few glorious months of the relationship. And then comes the...

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Culture Tip 2: Make Change Good

Culture Tip 2: Make Change Good

So here in Austin it seems it's a part of the community culture for folks to complain about how much better things used to be before the city grew so much. How there used to be no traffic and there were all these other great eateries and Willy Nelson or Stevie Ray...

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You Can’t Ignore the Affordable Care Act

You Can’t Ignore the Affordable Care Act

House Republicans have filed suit over the Affordable Care Act last week, the most recent of many filed against the ACA by opponents of the law. Meanwhile, the dates and numbers for various ACA compliance issues keep changing and it just seems like it would be easier...

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Stop Hating on Performance Reviews

Stop Hating on Performance Reviews

One of the main reasons New Year’s resolutions fail is that people bite off more than they can chew. Like they’re going to completely overhaul their diet and exercise and sleep and stress habits, all at one time. Failure is inevitable. Business owners do the same...

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2015: The Year of Employment Regulations

2015: The Year of Employment Regulations

From an HR perspective, 2015 is The Year of Employment Regulations. Consider this: a bunch of states and cities have raised their minimum wage this year and many others plan to raise it again over the next few years. Many places are implementing Ban the Box...

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Great Culture Tip 1: Commit Time to Employees

Great Culture Tip 1: Commit Time to Employees

Recently I said I’d be offering tips for creating a great culture for companies willing to buckle down and do so. Here’s the first one, just in time for New Year’s resolutions: Commit to spending time with your employees. Everybody knows that in every relationship,...

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