2017 Demands a Plan to Handle Change

Ahhhh, happy 2017. New year. New opportunities. New workouts and fitness plans for many.


How is your business fitness plan looking for 2017?


You started a yoga class in the conference room?  Good for you! But let’s take a step back and look at a different kind of fitness that means much, much more to the health of your business.


How well is your business positioned to handle the challenges of change?


As a business owner or CEO, you know the old saw is true: One of the only constants is change. You can’t avoid change, but you can work out a plan to build in the resilience and strength that your company or nonprofit needs to muscle through the challenges of 2017.


Putting together your workout plan NOW will position your business to handle the changes you know are coming — as well as the unexpected. Plus, being prepared to manage change opens the door to educating your employees to keep them focused and productive when change is happening in their work lives.


As you flex those change management muscles, start thinking about these three areas that are sure to affect nearly every business or nonprofit.


  1. A healthy economy that seems poised for growth.

Are you prepared for what growth means for your company? Do you have a plan to hire new staff and onboard in a timely manner? Expand benefits to compete for the best employees? Can your payroll system handle the additional workout?


(And of course, you’d be sorry if you didn’t plan for a weakening economy, too. Nothing’s guaranteed, right? Downsizing or shifting business priorities is easier when there is a plan to lean on.)


  1. Changes in health care.

All eyes are on the power shift in Washington and potential big changes in health care. Whether that means changes to the Affordable Care Act, related tax credits or provisions for providing insurance, it may be too early to call. Healthcare is a moving target, especially for small businesses. Preparing your business and your employees now calls for an adaptable set of what-ifs.


  1. Changes in employment law

Have you recovered from the whiplash many felt when the anticipated FLSA overtime rules were suspended? Set to start Dec. 1, the new minimum salary was put on hold in late November.

(Our blog gives you some tips for handling that change and the advice stands – for now.)


The overtime court fight is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping current and able to respond to changes in labor law. Of course there are plenty of other less dramatic pitfalls related to employment law that can blindside an unprepared company. Falling out of compliance can be expensive and disruptive.


Ready to tune up your change-management game?  Positive or negative, are you as a leader in shape to make sure employees stay focused while you handle the big picture?


In 2017, your organization must be able to:

  1. Adapt to change
  2. Forecast change
  3. React quickly
  4. Have trusted relationships with professionals who can help: financial and benefits advisors, HR consultants and others


By having a team of outside experts just a phone call away, you can get answers quickly, anticipate and plan for change, and prevent disasters before they happen.


We can help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and work on a change management plan that fits your company. Our HR consultants have deep experience with recruiting, compensation, benefits, compliance, employee training and more.


We work with companies on a project basis or on retainer, providing a custom level of HR help designed for your business, with offices in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and Houston. Contact me at Caroline@valentinehr.com or call (512) 420-8267.







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