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Don’t Use Fear As A Motivator

Don’t Use Fear As A Motivator

I heard a story today about the changing culture of work. They talked about the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. plant that was formed in Fremont, California, between GM and Toyota. The old GM plant had been one of the worst plants in the history of auto...

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The Skill That Changes Everything: Learn to Listen

The Skill That Changes Everything: Learn to Listen

One thing that candidates often tell me when they’ve been interviewed by a company I work with is: “I know a lot about the company now. But they didn’t ask me anything about myself.” Argh! I know exactly what happened in that interview. The hiring manager and others...

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Don’t Hide From Your Bad Hires

Don’t Hide From Your Bad Hires

The only thing worse than making a bad hire is dragging your feet about getting rid of them. Yes, it’s upsetting to realize you hired badly and then start questioning your judgment and the judgment of others who gave this person the thumbs up. You try to think about...

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Got Skills? Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em

Got Skills? Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em

I just got back from vacation. My body got back several days before my mind, but that’s neither here nor there. One glorious evening, I went kayaking on the Hudson River. Before we got started, our guide had us do a yoga move, balancing on one leg with our other foot...

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Don’t Freak Out Over DOL Overtime Proposal

Don’t Freak Out Over DOL Overtime Proposal

I was thinking about writing a blog on the Department of Labor’s overtime proposal which would bump the salary of employees who were not eligible for overtime from $23,660 to $50,440. That, I thought, was a huge leap and probably a proposal that needed to be tempered....

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Five Mistakes of Small Business Owners

Five Mistakes of Small Business Owners

Everybody makes mistakes. But when you’re a small business owner, sometimes the mistakes seem so much BIGGER than other kinds of mistakes. There are ways in which small business owners try to be everything to everybody….probably because that’s how you feel when you’re...

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Your Hidden Paycheck May Be Your Best Recruiting Tool

Your Hidden Paycheck May Be Your Best Recruiting Tool

We’ve been in a weird phase in employee recruitment and retention the last decade. No matter what size your company, everybody who wants to hire top talent feels like they need to lure people in with margarita machines, giant beanbags and having a masseuse come in...

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Hiring?  You May Be Eligible For a Tax Credit

Hiring? You May Be Eligible For a Tax Credit

Sometimes tax credits seem random. Sometimes tax credits seem like they’re always for the other guy. But sometimes, there are tax credits for hiring people who need an extra boost or being particularly good to your employees. And those are important tax credits to...

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Paying Respect to The Job Application Form

In the passionate pursuit to be authentic and create an awesome culture, people keep wanting to do away with really crucial stuff, like job application forms. They don’t want their first interaction with someone to be filling out a bunch of boxes. They just want to...

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Lifelong Learners Need Learning Cultures

Lifelong Learners Need Learning Cultures

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me, and I learn. Benjamin Franklin It’s pretty common knowledge that the best employees are lifelong learners. These are people who study Ikebana or wilderness survival for fun, in their spare time. These are...

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Leaders are cool. But you still need managers.

Leaders are cool. But you still need managers.

I’ve been on a rant lately, about the trendy topic of managers being extraneous. If I had to guess where this perennial nonsense came from, I’d have to say it comes from entrepreneurs who can’t really deal with the fact that their cultures have to change as their...

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