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Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

“We need to talk.” “Something has changed. “ “It’s just not working anymore.” “Maybe we can stay in touch.” We know what these words mean…they’re the first strains of a breakup worthy of tissues, chocolate and regret. Surprise! I have heard them all during...

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Should You Let Employees Play Pokemon GO?

Should You Let Employees Play Pokemon GO?

I’ve seen stories lately—in HR circles—asking “Should you let employees play Pokemon GO?” They're posing it as if Pokemon GO has posed a wholly new moral/ethical dilemma, brought on by a new technology that will change the way we will live forever. It’s not. The...

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The Difference Between Video and Classroom Training

The Difference Between Video and Classroom Training

A lot of organizations opt for video training for their employees, and why not? Video training is cheap and efficient. You buy the course, watch it anytime it fits into your schedule, maybe do some homework, done. Check that off the list…which is precisely why it’s a...

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Internships Let You Build Your Own Rock Star

Internships Let You Build Your Own Rock Star

There’s a big, fat disconnect in the hiring business. It’s the chicken and the egg. Employers want employees with experience. But there are a slew of kids emerging from high school and college asking “How can I get experience if you won’t hire me?” The answer, for...

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Scary Employment Compensation Data

Scary Employment Compensation Data

Every year, Payscale puts out a Compensation Best Practices Report. This year, they reported some scary employment compensation data: while 73 percent of companies believe they pay fairly, only 36 percent of employees report that they’re being fairly paid. That's a...

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Dealing with Current Events in the Workplace

Dealing with Current Events in the Workplace

The election year, Orlando and Dallas shootings, Gretchen Carlson and Fox News…we’re living and working in the midst of current events with highly emotional triggers.  Documented in social and traditional media outlets are people who feel abused, discriminated...

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How to Deal with Workplace Bullies

How to Deal with Workplace Bullies

No matter what kids’ show you grew up with, bullies are almost universally represented as maladapted kids from troubled homes who can’t show vulnerability and instead go around waging power struggles to make themselves feel less afraid in the world. Workplace bullies...

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Know What Metrics You Should Apply to HR

Know What Metrics You Should Apply to HR

Do you know how much your employees are costing you, relative to what they’re producing for you? Do you know what your turnover rates are, compared to other companies in your industry? Do you know who your most effective manager is? What I mean is, do you have data on...

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Five Top HR Mistakes

Five Top HR Mistakes

Recruiting, HR, talent acquisition, culture, people management, all of the above have become the subject of so many interesting experiments in recent years. Zappos initiated holocracy and lost 30 percent of their employees. Companies like Workday and VMWare offer...

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Do You Need to Practice Communication?

Do You Need to Practice Communication?

Would you enter a bike race without training for it? Or a 10K? Or a boxing match? No. No you wouldn’t. Because you know it would be painful, and embarrassing and you would fail and people wouldn’t say “Good try!” They would say “For heaven’s sake what were you doing...

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Life Without Soft Skills is Hard

Life Without Soft Skills is Hard

There are certain kinds of “Help! It’s an emergency!” calls I get regularly. One of them is “I really thought this person was going to be great. I thought I asked all the right questions. But after three months I can’t even look at them…..” It turns out the employee...

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DOL OT Rules? Two Words: Change Management

DOL OT Rules? Two Words: Change Management

People struggle with change. It scares us and makes us feel unsettled. Some of us respond to that by getting mad. Some respond by saying “This isn’t fair” which essentially means, “This isn’t what I was expecting.” If you have to change something in your organization,...

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