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The Secret to Motivating Employees

The Secret to Motivating Employees

Why do your employees come in to work every day? Is it because they have to pay the rent or is there something else? Are your team members best buddies with each other? Does your company’s mission align with their values? Are they getting valuable experience that will...

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Out of Office Should Not Mean Out of Luck

Out of Office Should Not Mean Out of Luck

It happens to every small business. You’re humming along, meeting deadlines, finishing projects, wooing customers and the CTO leaves for his annual Roswell pilgrimage or the business manager gets hit by a meteor. Suddenly there’s a hiccup and everything’s thrown into...

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Do You Know the Fair Credit Reporting Act Changes for 2013?

Do You Know the Fair Credit Reporting Act Changes for 2013?

Before you launch into any background checks on employees in the new year, you should know  there's a new Fair Credit Reporting Act Summary of Rights form that employers must use starting January 1, 2013. The new form doesn't change any of the rights. But it's part of...

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Be Wise With Employer Sponsored Holiday Parties

Be Wise With Employer Sponsored Holiday Parties

Holiday parties with your coworkers provide a great bonding opportunity and can boost morale and connection with the company. They also   provide opportunity for colossal lapses in judgment among people with whom lapses in judgment are usually carefully avoided....

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Does Your Employee’s Job Description Have Scary Holes?

Does Your Employee’s Job Description Have Scary Holes?

When you write a job description for a new employee, you need to include the main things you want the employee to do and a salary range. Then you’re good, right? Not even close. You may think of that job description the way some people treat an online dating...

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It’s Strategic Plan Time…Do You Know Where Your HR Is?

It’s Strategic Plan Time…Do You Know Where Your HR Is?

It’s almost the New Year and time to stop and take stock. For businesses that means look at your strategic plan, including your human resources management. Sadly, many businesses haven’t created a strategic plan to look at.  They’re so busy meeting deadlines, finding...

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What Are You Looking For in Those HR Assessments?

What Are You Looking For in Those HR Assessments?

Assessments are great. The right assessment can work like an elaborate maze or a sting operation. With the right assessment, you can weed out all the extraneous information about a candidate and find the person who is going to hit a home run with your company. Take...

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