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The Right Amount of Supervision

The Right Amount of Supervision

How much supervision is too much? Or too little? Is that new employee who checks in every hour ever going to wean himself off your help or is this just the way it’s going to be? Conversely, if you’re a new employee, you might have to wonder if the boss is going to...

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Making Money is Not a Purpose

Making Money is Not a Purpose

Why does your organization exist? Who does it help? How is it likely to change the world? If you can’t answer those questions with something pretty compelling, something a lot more aspirational than “We’re here to make every employee a millionaire,” you’re going to...

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

“We need to talk.” “Something has changed. “ “It’s just not working anymore.” “Maybe we can stay in touch.” We know what these words mean…they’re the first strains of a breakup worthy of tissues, chocolate and regret. Surprise! I have heard them all during...

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HR: Not The Police, The Executioner or The Cheerleading Squad

HR: Not The Police, The Executioner or The Cheerleading Squad

So, here are some things HR shouldn’t be asked to do. It’s not HR’s job to stand by the time clock and discipline people who show up late. It’s not HR’s job to figure out whether to hand out coffee cups or baseball caps to buck up a company’s crumbling morale. (Answer...

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Can Your Employees Have a Private Life Online?

Can Your Employees Have a Private Life Online?

The client on the phone was completely freaked out. She’d gotten a call, she said, from some guy whose son had been looking up product reviews online and ran across a really racy one, filled with sexual innuendo…which was weird because the product he was looking at...

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Facts Are Especially Important in HR

Facts Are Especially Important in HR

Remember the famous line by Joe Friday from Dragnet “Just the facts ma’am….” No! You don’t! Because that’s not what he said. He said other stuff, like “All we want are the facts ma’am,” which brings me to the point of this week’s blog: The danger of assumptions. Stay...

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The ROI of Manager Training

The ROI of Manager Training

We’ve all heard the expression of someone being “promoted to the level of his incompetence.” It’s a truism that lots of employees find very frustrating. But most companies have no idea how very, very expensive it can be to promote someone over other people without...

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Protect Your Business Against Fraud

Protect Your Business Against Fraud

So here’s a scary statistic: For small businesses with fewer than 100 employees, the average damage from employee fraud tallies up to $200,000. The numbers are actually lower for large businesses…why? Because large businesses put systems in place to prevent fraud or...

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Sometimes Zappos, Disruption is Just…Disruptive

Sometimes Zappos, Disruption is Just…Disruptive

Many of our clients are startups so I really appreciate the concept of disruptive companies and Zappos is about as disruptive as they get. I mean, when you think about it, they sell shoes—so it’s not like they invented the consumer jet pack (when is that coming out by...

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You Have to Build Ethics Into the Business Model

You Have to Build Ethics Into the Business Model

There was the case in which Silicon Valley’s CEOs conspired to keep pay artificially low for the area’s engineers, so the companies wouldn’t have to deal with supply and demand—basic tenets of a free economic system. Then there was the fact that GM and the National...

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