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New Overtime Rules Suspended: What to Do Now?

New Overtime Rules Suspended: What to Do Now?

“Keep Calm and Gobble On” was the mantra for many of us after the Nov 22 decision by Judge Amos Mazzant, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, to halt a Department of Labor rule that would have made millions more Americans eligible for overtime pay....

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Smart Employer-Sponsored Holiday Parties

Smart Employer-Sponsored Holiday Parties

Employers everywhere wrestle with the question of how to have a party that’s fun and festive without risking dreadful liability. The fact is, if alcohol is served, and someone drives home drunk and gets in an accident, your company can be held responsible. In fact,...

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What Workplace Drama Really Looks Like

What Workplace Drama Really Looks Like

Drama, drama, drama! The woman who spends half the day polling office-mates about whether her boyfriend loves her. The man who has a conniption every time a client does something funky. The employees who come in complaining about each other every day, like...

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Having an Ethics Hotline Wasn’t Enough for Wells Fargo

Having an Ethics Hotline Wasn’t Enough for Wells Fargo

There has been much press about Wells Fargo recently. Public opinion has been harsh, congressional members have been vocal, bonuses have been pulled back and now, the state of California has responded with a big financial punishment. More is sure to follow.  How did...

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If You Want to Catch a Big Fish, Minnow Bait Won’t Work

If You Want to Catch a Big Fish, Minnow Bait Won’t Work

Here’s a question that every HR professional knows to ask a candidate and every DIY-er probably never did: “Have you thought about what you’re going to tell your current employer when he asks why you’re leaving?” What!? You ask. What a crazy question! Why on earth...

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Employee or Contractor? How to Avoid the Drama.

Employee or Contractor? How to Avoid the Drama.

A lot of companies are tempted to fudge the line between employees and contractors. After all, hiring an employee is a commitment. You invest a lot of time finding, hiring, processing and training the person. You can’t just change your mind without losing out on all...

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Conflict-Averse Employees Could Sabotage Your Success

Conflict-Averse Employees Could Sabotage Your Success

Did you know that when your organization treats conflict as a bad thing, it can really cost the organization? It can cost money, productivity, opportunity. Take, for example, the large company we consulted with several years ago where employees were discouraged from...

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How to Deal with Icky Employee Conversations

How to Deal with Icky Employee Conversations

One thing many managers may not appreciate about being a manager is the necessity of having icky conversations. What is an icky conversation? It might be telling the associate, driving with you to the sales call, that his breath could stop a rhinoceros in full charge....

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Being a Manager Just Doesn’t Fit Everybody

Being a Manager Just Doesn’t Fit Everybody

When you’re a small business owner with a really stellar employee, figuring out a way to keep that person on board and happy can be a challenge. There’s only so much money and so many growth opportunities. So you do what you can. You promote the employee to manager....

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