Discover Resources and Expertise for HR Excellence

Ten Signs You’ve Got the Wrong HR Professional

  When you’re looking for an HR consultant or manager, you have to consider a lot of factors. This person isn’t just there to hire and fire people, they’re there to help guide the business in how it manages its most valuable asset—its people. They need to know...

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The Puzzle of Paid Sick Leave

The Puzzle of Paid Sick Leave

PSL Has A New Meaning Recently, Austin became the first city in Texas to mandate paid sick leave (PSL) for non-governmental employers, requiring all companies with more than 15 employees to cover up to 64 hours of paid sick leave beginning October 1, 2018, and small...

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Being A Nice Boss Isn’t Good

Being A Nice Boss Isn’t Good

People talk about abusive bosses, harassing bosses, micromanaging bosses but people seldom talk about the perils that come with being, or having, a “nice” boss. It seems like being a nice boss would be a good thing. You give people room to do their own jobs, you don’t...

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Top SXSW Myths and How to Bust Them

Top SXSW Myths and How to Bust Them

In reverse order...  7. You don’t need to follow up with a quiz: There’s this hope you can send employees to SXSW and they’ll come back with incredible insights and a slew of genius prospects for employment - instead of a hangover and social disease. Lines are long,...

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The Valentine Conversation We Could Be Having

The Valentine Conversation We Could Be Having

Traditionally, people celebrate anniversaries with a dinner out, a weekend away, chocolate, or presents. For many, an anniversary is a time to set aside all the things that may frustrate you about your partner and celebrate your relationship. But some couples do it...

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Have You Done Your Crisis Management? It’s Time

Have You Done Your Crisis Management? It’s Time

In the last three weeks, we have experienced an ice storm that shut down major East coast airports, wildfires and mudslides on the West coast and a flu epidemic that is closing schools nationwide.  That's some crisis management. So what is crisis management? It isn’t...

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A Multi-Gen Workforce Needs Multi-Gen Benefits

A Multi-Gen Workforce Needs Multi-Gen Benefits

If you’re like most companies, you have employees from three, possibly four, generations working for you these days: Baby Boomers, GenX, Millennials, and even Plurals. Yet many companies still try to fit one benefit plan around people who are thinking of retiring,...

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HR Can’t Stop Sexual Harassment Alone

HR Can’t Stop Sexual Harassment Alone

I love Saturday Night Live’s “Claire from HR” character but I have never loved her schtick so much as when she came on the show’s Weekend Update recently to give a multiple choice test on sexual abuse and harassment. Among her questions: When you are in an office...

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How Strong Is Your Internal Communication?

How Strong Is Your Internal Communication?

Few leaders would dispute the importance of communicating effectively with customers. After all, the last thing you need is a kerfuffle that makes them take their business and money elsewhere. But for some reason, employers don’t always have the same standards when it...

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When Your Top Performer is a Bully

When Your Top Performer is a Bully

You’ve got this employee who’s amazing. They can solve any technical problem without breaking a sweat, or maybe they could sell a burger franchise to a vegetarian commune. The only problem is, no one can stand working with them because they’re a bully. They know...

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Are You Setting Up Your Managers for Success?

Are You Setting Up Your Managers for Success?

Many of us have seen the statistics that say employees don’t leave companies, they leave managers. This means that managers are in a tough spot these days. They’re viewed as the employee engagement lynchpin: expected to get the job done while also understanding all...

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