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The Business of Walking and Talking

The Business of Walking and Talking

Despite the fact that research shows being outside can dramatically boost our mental and physical health and exercise makes us sharper and more creative, how many of us choose to spend our entire workday indoors? It's a question I asked myself recently. Business...

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Pregnancy, Puppies, and the Sad Stuff

Pregnancy, Puppies, and the Sad Stuff

So, there’s a new leave called Fur-ternity or if you prefer, Paw-ternity leave. It gives new pet owners time off to bond with their pets. So if, as it seems, pets are becoming the children of the 21st century, it makes sense to some organizations to create pet-centric...

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As The Door Closes

As The Door Closes

Back in the day, it was pretty common to get a phone call at home from the Gallup Poll with some person wanting to ask how you felt about a particular brand of chicken or toothpaste. Or you might go to the mall and someone would ask you to participate in a survey...

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Can Accountability Be Cool?

In recent years there have been so many exciting ideas floated about cool new cultures and work structure—on-staff massage therapists and endless vacations come to mind. Maybe it is because it sounds old school that I see the eyes glaze over when I start talking about...

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Tacos or Training?

Tacos or Training?

In June of this year, Blind—an app that surveys employees about HR issues and trends—asked tech company employees about retaliation in the workplace. Forty percent of respondents said managers or HR had retaliated against employees who reported an incident. Employees...

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First Things First: Build Your Foundation

First Things First: Build Your Foundation

Almost everybody underestimates the importance of a job description. Most people, from what I can gather, tend to think of it like filling out a template. “We need a __________ with _________years experience who can __________. The ideal candidate will have...

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Why Money Smart Employees Matter

Why Money Smart Employees Matter

Most of the employers I know really care about their employees. When a good employee—though they’re getting paid fairly—still has too much month at the end of the money, the employer often is happy to “help out” with an advance on their paycheck. As nice as this...

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Better Bottom Line with Empowered Employees

For many people, Health Savings Accounts (HSA) with High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) are the absolute best option for health insurance. But because they have a few more moving parts than more traditional plans, business owners often tell me they don’t want to offer...

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Are You Ready to Employ Your Digital Nomads?

Are You Ready to Employ Your Digital Nomads?

It used to be that traveling for work was considered torture—forcing people to slog from airport to layover to another airport to rental car to meeting to hotel and back to airport. Or it was considered glamorous—the opportunity to travel the world in first class on...

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Workplace Bullies are Damaging your Brand

Workplace Bullies are Damaging your Brand

No matter what kids’ show or holiday movie you grew up watching, bullies are almost universally represented as maladaptive kids from troubled homes who can’t show vulnerability and instead go around waging power struggles to make themselves feel less afraid in the...

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Drive-thru HR Leaves You Hungry

Drive-thru HR Leaves You Hungry

Super busy? No time for a sit down meal? Already ate all the snacks in the car?  Sometimes you have got to get fast food. It’s okay, it’s just a few times you tell yourself, it’s just when you’re starving and you need something to eat fast. However, if you went...

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The Good in Relationships with Former Employees

The Good in Relationships with Former Employees

Let’s say you have a favorite customer who comes into your coffee shop twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. You always chat and catch up on each other’s day, you know about each other’s families and joys and frustrations with work. Then one day the customer...

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